Leading Inter-Religious Ceremony — Consult with me to learn principles and effective practices for leading ceremonies in inter-religious gatherings. Learn methods for producing events with clear goals, energetic presentations and effective representation of religious pluralism. Discussion emphasizes the importance of Pagans as community representatives in collaboration with clergy and lay leaders.
Creating Community Events — Consult with me to learn methods of creating compelling programming that delivers your message, weaves connection and builds energy for continued community involvement. Build a singular event with impact or design a series of events that can repeat annual and grow a legacy. Write your own stories or retell tales with a wide newly tapped talent in your organization, ask me about the Faerie High Tea, The Snow Queen or Red Dragon.
Activities that Raise Energy and Raise Funds — Local and regional community groups can pool resources and pull together to raise energy and funds for worthy causes. Within each community are hidden talents and untold ideas that draw from the values and good will to create auctions, fashion unique crafts or offer themed picnics featuring local recipes.